Monday, 8 March 2010

Monday 8th - Jack Storer

Alex and I went into the editing suite early today, and put the footage from Friday's shoot onto the Mac. We are very pleased with the outcome of the shoot and think we have more than enough footage to finish the film off. we have linked together a few more shots as well as overlaying and editing the monologue.
We now have our tracking shot completed, and it has worked very well. the final cut of this long take is 24seconds.
1 of the issues with attempting such a long take was audience attention. But i believe this keeps the audiences attention for the full length of the shot. we will show a few people and ask for feedback.

Jack Storer


Alex Lloyd said...

Comment from Matt Coughtrey - "I feel so sorry for this kid, it makes me want to give money to charity."

Alex Lloyd said...

Colour your posts storerrr! x