Friday, 26 February 2010

'Milo' Storyboard Animatic - Alex Lloyd

As a group, together we came up with what shots we wanted to include and what we would film in each of them. The next step was for Abi and I to draw our storyboard writing how long each shot would last for, camera size, camera angle and movement included. Once this was completed I booked out a camera and took a shot of each storyboard shot, these were then uploaded to the Mac and put on Imovie as an animatic.

As you will hear, we have uploaded our monologue which was recorded through a voice recorder by Caroline and Abi. This is our plan of what our final short film will look and sound like.

Raw footage feedback - Group

We got a few members of our class and also some students who do not do Media to assess our work and give us some feedback on what we could improve/what worked well and any other ideas of what we could do.

Chris Davison - "I liked the way you have used the manual focus, and good use of facial expressions and mise en scene. The shot of the argument is quite long, and so could be shortened" Media student

Sam Jenner - " I liked how the parents were blurred in the background, I think the change over needs a bit of work" Media student

Sam Hillwood - " I like the way that it faded through to show the child ageing. I also liked how the child was in focus and you could see the parents arguing in the background but blurred. I also liked the tracking shot of the child's feet" Media student

Amy Pearce - "The boy was a good actor and I like the storyline. I think its nice how it has a happier ending" Theatre student

Patrick (Milo's friend) - "I think the mirror scene is funny as he looks so sad but it also looks really good" 10 years old.

COLOUR CODING - Caroline Robertson

As our group has been v.busy the colour coding was forgotten, I have quickly gone through all the posts that were left out and colour coded them as the following
Caroline - Black
Abi -
Alex -
Default Blue
Jack - Red
Group/Combined - Orange

First day of filming - Abi Black

On the first day of filming we managed to get the first pieces of our film coming together. Although the weather was not in our favour the dullness added to the overall atmosphere of our film and the shots turned out quite well. We took a variation of establishing shots of the house and surroundings in order to give off the impression of it looking isolated. One of the things which we found worked effectively was using the manual focus to create different depths of field, one extremely nice shot done from behind the bush at an extreme long shot with the house blurred in the background.
Another shot which looked nice was the same idea, but taken at a much lower angle, almost on the floor where we had the grass in focus and the house shot out of focus. The only problem with this one was the camera had to be hand held as we couldn't get the tripod low enough and so it appeared quite unstable. The other things which we played around with during the establishing shots was the use of the pan, which we found worked more effectively when done really slowly.
We then moved inside the house to start filming our first shots of Milo and the use of mise en scene worked really nicely here. At first we had an issue with setting the white balance as we were using the Sony HD camera but after getting the hang of it, it looks very realistic and really good quality. We had quite a few props and were using the lighting to try and create the look we were after, which was the lower lighting and trying to make it look as natural as possible to reinforce the social realism effect. We had a medium close up shot of the fireplace with all of the alcohol bottles on it, to give a clear message about what was going on.
The other shots we got done were the ones of Milo in the bathroom, the first time we see him. We used the "mirror" shot which at first was quite difficult as we kept getting the camera in it so had to adjust the position quite a lot. Our actor worked really well though and put up with our constant re-takes on this particular scene.
Overall it was a productive first filming session and went really well although we had to race against time before it got dark to keep the natural lighting effect. Everyone had different inputs on what type of shots we could do and unfortunately I couldn't attend the filming session the next day although after looking at the shots on the computer they look very effective. We aren't due to film again until next week, in which we are hoping for clear skies to do the trampoline shots and the ping pong shots.

To Do List 26th Feb - Caroline Robertson

This is a list of things which our group needs to do asap!
1. ANIMATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.Can Probably stick up some of our Facebook discussions on here

3."- discussions of the use of technologies (especially camera) – any new techniques tried, any development of skills learned last year, any problems or shots you were unable to produce"

4. Research for magazine review, links to reviews etc.

5. audience feedback on our rushes.

6. colour code our posts

Thursday, 25 February 2010

FILMING HAS STARTED - Caroline Robertson

DAY 1 - Alex, Kaz and Abi!
We managed to get many establishing shots of the house, long shots to emphasise the isolation which represents the loneliness of the main character, Milo. Although very cold and wet the shots came out clear and we played with the camera focus a lot to get different effects to make the opening more interesting. We did lots of panning shots of the mantlepiece and photographs, and alcohol for the first opening shots before the monologue begins, and when we lost daylight we filmed the under the duvet scene using a light reflected off the back wall to give a dull light effect. We also filmed the bathroom shots with the brushing teeth and opening cuboard scenes, but on replay realised we would have to reshoot the teeth brushing as it was out of focus in comparision to the rest. Overall it was a good start to our filming, and the weather wasn't too bad

DAY 2 - Alex and Kaz
We returned the next day to continue shooting, this time with our other two actors. I reshot the extreme close up of the teeth brushing (this time in focus) and Alex took a few more establishing shots of the house. We then managed to do all the shots of the parents arguing in the background with Milo in the foreground, however had to change the setting which was origionally the living room to the kitchen as due to tree's blocking the background in the living room we were not able to get the shot we wanted if we had tried to do it in there. I think that the kitchen worked well anyway because the natural lighting was better as there were wall sized windows so we amde the most of the sunlight. We took the shots of the legs coming in with our actors arguing which came out nicely, and the shots of Milo taking his shoes off. We also took shots of him creeping down the hall amongst alcohol bottles, but are re taking them as it looks too set up - we need to smash the bottles and take them in the downstairs hall instead of upstairs because the stair banisters ruin the continuity. We now have all the shots that we need the other actors for, all we have to do now is a few re shoots and the shots of Milo running through a field, climbing the tree, playing ping pong and on the trampoline.
While alex shot the kitchen scenes I took stills with a digital camera which could be used in some way for the poster. Overall the second day was better than the first - we got more done and some of the shots were really nice, We are going to continue filming next week now as Milo is not free for the rest of the week.

We have also begun to start cutting our rushes to speed up the editing process for when we finish filming - which will be by the end of next week.
(Photos are ones taken by myself during the filming, flash was off to not disturb the filming and they could be used in posters or just as behind the scene shots.)

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Soundtrack - Caroline Robertson

Storer and I began initial ideas for the soundtrack yesterday, and I came back today during lunch to continue creating an initial soundtrack idea. As we don't have the footage to watch as we play it it's all a bit touch and go at the moment, but our initial idea of using strings to create a sad mood has changed due to limitations on Garage Band.
I have decided to use more acoustic guitar and Piano melodies to try to keep the sad tone but at the same time it should fit the footage when complete.
I will go on to research into sountracks used in films similar to ours with similar sounds and will hopefully upload an MP3 of the soundtrack as it develops.

Monday, 22 February 2010

First Day Back Jack Storer and Caroline Robertson

to conclude the FAILURE of the half term, we have only been able to shoot a couple of establishing shots as the only day where the weather matched that of the weather we needed, Milo our lead actor was unavailable to film. we tried several times to get the group together and to film but somthing went wrong everytime.

we are now behind schedule but will have finished the filming this time next week. we know this will set us back a week but this will give us a chance to edit the monologue and soundtrack for our piece as well as titles, credits and a chance to retouch the past work such as Animatic.

This time will be taken off of editing, but the extra time on animatic and previous work should reduce problems we have when wqe come to editing the work.

overall this shouldn't effect our final piece.

Jack & Caroline

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Review of London to Brighton - Abi Black

After researching poster ideas and coming across London to Brighton I have since watched the film. My initial thoughts to the film were it packed a punch, in terms of emotionally. We follow the story of a young girl who is accompanied by a prostitute, however we do not get the stereotypical view of what a prostitute would behave like, we infact get a much more nurturing and sensitive view and in a sense more close to life. Watching this film and seeing things through the eyes of this young girl is useful to us with our film, as our main character is focused on a boy of 10. The girl in this film has grown up in a life of abuse and has run away to live on the streets, relevant to our character who has been neglected by his alcoholic father.
I think the most important thing that I learned from watching this film was the emotional attachment I got for the girl, and also had a lot of empathy for the prostitute. I would like to bring this across in our work so the audience has an immediate attachment with our character.

Problems With Filming First Rushes - Abi Black

Our aim as a group was to have completed at least our first set of rushes over the half term holidays. However we have faced a few problems when dealing with this as we found that hardly any of us were free to film, and on the day that we had planned to start filming our main actor was not available to us. As we are also filming at another persons house who is not a member of a group we have to make sure our choice of timing to film is agreed with the owners.
Another problem we have found is that we need a reasonably clear day to start our filming, and as we will not be able to do it all on one day we need 2 days with similar weather.
We plan to start filming sometime in the following week, and are currently checking the weather to see which is our most optional day to film on.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Final Monologue - Alex Lloyd, Jack Storer, Caroline Robertson and Abi Black

Shot 15 "I’ve asked mum why they argue, but she just gets upset.
Shot 16/17 (carries through, stops and silent through Shot 18) It starts off as pointless little arguments and just builds up… builds up until one of them snaps, dad. I’ve seen him hit her before. He hits her nearly everyday.
Shot 19/20 I went to play at Sams house the other day, I’d never been to someone elses house before. There was no shouting there, it was strange. Sams mum must be well behaved. ……It didn’t feel like my home. It wasn’t dirty.
Shot 21- silent
Shot 22/23 – We played “Crack the Egg” on his trampoline. It doesn’t work on my own.
Shot 24 – silent
Shot 25 – None of the games we played were as fun at home on my own
Shot 26- silent
Shot 27/28- We had to take our shoes off at the door. Sam is my only friend. I have to play on my own most of the time ‘coz mum doesn’t like people coming over, but Dad’s friends are always round."
Shot 29 – It’s not fair.
Shot 30 – silent
Shot31- They just sit their drinking smoking playing cards and drinking more.

Shot 32 ( 3 seconds in) – 33-
I hate the sound of them laughing…
Shot 33-35 I think mum does too… me and mum sit on her bed but she doesn’t say much we just sit there, I like being close to her when dads not around, I think she knows how I feel. Hiding…that’s what we do when Dad has his friends around, we hide….
Shot 36- ( starting straight away)- He doesn’t like us to be seen….I have to do a lot of hiding, sometimes its fun. I have a tree, I climb all the way to the top and watch the sun go down, I have to race against it getting home before its dark. The tree is just one of my hiding places I’ve found, I go out finding a lot. Mum says not to get into trouble but to be honest I think I’d find more at home.
Shot 37- I hate it, why cant mum and dad be more like Sams? They don’t argue and love each other. Mum tells me she loves dad, but I don’t believe her.
Shot 38- silence
Shot 39- I wouldn’t love someone if they hit me all the time, but dad never hits me. Just mum. Actually no, She would leave if she didn’t love him I guess.
Shot 40 – 41- Love sounds like a funny thing to me. I love football, I like a girl in my class, but not like I love football. I support the Blues, Sam does too. I’ve asked dad to take me to see them play one day, but mum says it could be a long wait.
Shot 42-45- (38 second shot)
Maybe he’ll take me for my birthday. Maybe he’d even let Sam come too! And then we could go to McDonalds! I’d get a massive cheeseburger, and loads of chips and a Mcflurry ice cream, and a chocolate milkshake( or maybe a coke) , and Sam could get a Big Mac with extra cheese and ketchup ( that’s his favourite) and in my Happy Meal I’d get a free toy.

Shot 46-48
Then we’d go bowling, and on the way home Dad would tell me he had a great time, I planned that birthday for weeks, but we never went. And dad never told me he had a great time. But that’s in the past, It’s just me and mum now. Turns out she didn’t love him, not enough to stay anyway.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Luke Snellin's link to Jack Storer's thoughts of Mixtape - Alex Lloyd

Luke Snellin found portfolio work on his short film 'Mixtape' written by those taking A levels. Jack Storer was one of those whose work was noticed and appreciated by Luke.

Billy Elliot Inspiration - Alex Lloyd

42 seconds into this sequence from the film Billy Elliot, there is a close up in which our character bounces into shot from the bottom. We were inspired by this shot and felt we would like to have a shot including our main character Milo bouncing on the trampoline.

The Actors - Alex Lloyd

The actors we will be using within our short film are fortunately brothers, therefore the shot in which we fade in time to the future from the younger Milo to the older Milo will be realistic in the way that they look a like.

'Milo - Aged 10 years old' = Actor - Milo Price
Milo is excited to act and should be able to play the part of our troubled child well. Another reason for his excitement is the £15 our group members will be paying him to act for us!

'Milo - Aged 17 years old' = Actor - Jack Price

Jack will play the part of Milo in the last few shots of our short film, with not much to partake in he won't be paid at the end of his shooting time, his prize is the popularity he should gain from it.
Other advantages of our actors both being brothers is it will be easy to organise a meet up with them both at the same time, it is their house that we will be filming at and so whenever we are filming, they will be present.

We will also be needing two minor actors playing the parts of Milo's parents, it was difficult to find two actors old enough to play the part but due to the fact that their faces will never be seen throughout the film, we only need to look for two actors who are big enough to play the part.

Actors in mind:

Jonny Young - Dad
Alice Darby - Mum

Location Shots - Alex Lloyd

The storyboard is now finished and the animatic is next to be done, most of our shots are being filmed in a detached house near three bridges, a map showing the whereabouts of this house has been previously posted on the blog by Caroline.

We chose this house as our main setting due to its isolation within the countryside, this fits well as it is our main character Milo who also finds himself isolated and alone within the film.

The surrounding countryside will be used for extreme long shots, throughout which Milo's voice over will be heard, the sunset will provide a good effect and create a peaceful setting which will become conflicted with the parents continuous arguments and the father's aggression. In one of our scenes Milo will be seen running through the woods and over the fields.

Another shot to be filmed will include Milo bouncing on his trampoline, it will be a mid close up looking at the scenery with Milo's head bouncing up and down in shot, much alike the shot used in the film 'Billy Elliot'.

Poster Ideas - Caroline Robertson

I have drawn up a poster idea on photoshop, but the actual idea should be a photograph as opposed to a drawing. We will shoot our main character in some poster idea poses once location shots have been taken.The colour has been desaturated and the background blurred to fit in with the stereotypical Social Realism iconography. Jack Storer had the idea of using a quote from the monologue as the tagline, and we have decided "It starts off as pointless little arguments" to sum up the film and give prospective audience members an idea of what it is about without giving away the storyline. I have included a Newspaper review, main actor and director names and film award logos to the bottom of the poster to try to make it look more official. We will go on to continue using our poster ideas to develop them into one main idea which will be photographed as soon as possible.

A quick edit - Jack Storer

this is a quick photoshopped image to show the atmosphere and the colouring we will create with our film.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Poster Idea - Jack Storer

after studying the other posters I came up with this little sketch.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Soundtrack Research - Caroline Robertson

I have booked out a high quality dictaphone after watching the clip from School for life ( Can be seen below in the blog) and have decided to compose some simple piano melodies which we could then go on to edit in garage band to fill out with further sounds and instruments ( mainly strings) which could be possible soundtrack ideas.

Even if they are not used in the final piece it should be effective planning and could inspire further music ideas.

Initial poster research - Jack Storer

I believe that Landscape posters are a lot more artistic and relate a lot more to low budget productions. I have personally noticed this on both low budget film posters and on Indie music advertisements. the above images back up my theory and I want our group to carry this idea accross as it will also relate to the wide screen format we are planning to use.

To Do List based on Feedback Caroline Robertson

2. RUSHES - Group
3. LOCATION IMAGES - Alex Lloyd (Done)
4. POSTER RESEARCH - Jack Storer, Caroline Robertson (Done)
7. ANIMATIC - Abi Black and Alex Lloyd
9. SHOOT PLAN - Group

Monday, 1 February 2010

Further Soundtrack Ideas-Caroline Robertson
Film "School of Life",a sad melody with piano and strings begins to play 4 mins 12 seconds into the film, I think that it is the right type of sound, although perhaps at a slower pace so it has a sadder feel as opposed to the thriller type feel it gives in this particular film.