Tuesday, 23 February 2010



Andy Hampson said...

Allocation of roles for filming
- blog to be updated continuously with all decisions and discussions taking place, using as much visual material and links as possible; all members of the group to be represented on the blog and posts colour-coded
- discussions of the use of technologies (especially camera) – any new techniques tried, any development of skills learned last year, any problems or shots you were unable to produce
- for the review and poster, initial decisions about images to use are to be posted, with proposed images, and links to real promotional material and reviews, where possible
- Target audience feedback on raw footage (sample shots or sequences shared through blog), and collated with summary decisions
I know you have done some of this where is your animatic? Ensure you get everything up on the blog. Details will follow about the Poster and review task. Some discussion of the equipment used and of course make sure you get feedback on your rushes and let me see them asap

Andy Hampson said...

For some reason the top of my post has been lopped off. It is a copy of the brief criteria. Basically you have made good progress but I want you to make sure all of this is done I will ask you on friday for evidence of it all.