Friday, 26 February 2010

Raw footage feedback - Group

We got a few members of our class and also some students who do not do Media to assess our work and give us some feedback on what we could improve/what worked well and any other ideas of what we could do.

Chris Davison - "I liked the way you have used the manual focus, and good use of facial expressions and mise en scene. The shot of the argument is quite long, and so could be shortened" Media student

Sam Jenner - " I liked how the parents were blurred in the background, I think the change over needs a bit of work" Media student

Sam Hillwood - " I like the way that it faded through to show the child ageing. I also liked how the child was in focus and you could see the parents arguing in the background but blurred. I also liked the tracking shot of the child's feet" Media student

Amy Pearce - "The boy was a good actor and I like the storyline. I think its nice how it has a happier ending" Theatre student

Patrick (Milo's friend) - "I think the mirror scene is funny as he looks so sad but it also looks really good" 10 years old.