'Bent Double' is a two minute short film in association with BBC films, it was directed by Anton Short and released in 2006. It is about one woman's struggle against the inevitability of life and whether she will make the ultimate sacrifice to fulfil her dream. You can find it using this link - http://www.bbc.co.uk/filmnetwork/films/p0057xfv
1. 'Bent Double' is a short drama set in Yorkshire. The story follows a very old lady who can barely stand up straight due to her age. Due to the subjective camera work a
nd sound used we as a spectator can very much sympathise with the woman, although we may not have ever come across the feeling and pain she is experiencing, due to this subjective view we almost feel like we are in her position and can relate to her pain. It has been done very cleverly using effects and sound effects on the POV shots putting us in the elders position. Due to what happens within this film with her collapsing in the end and fulfilling her dream we can very much tell that it is a drama, with some very powerful shots that can upset an audience.
2. The film does very well in putting the audience in her position by using subjective camera work with POV shots but also with sound, all diegetic sound used is quite loud but when we are shown a POV shot,
it becomes unclear and difficult to hear making us hear exactly how the old woman hears. The picture of the POV shots is also quite unclear with the sides and corners becoming quite blurred, this puts us in a position feeling sorry for the woman with how much she is restricted in life. We can tell by facial expressions that she wants the ability to look upright rather than bent forward so that she can see the geese flying over. At the end in order to achieve this she collapses due to old age, this becomes very upsetting for the audience as they can imagine it happening to them or someone they know with this problem. Old age is something that will eventually happen to everyone hence how we can become disturbed and upset by what occurs on screen.
3. - Advantages of short narrative gives us an easy and obvious storyline to follow, it isn't challenging but can still become quite powerful meaning.
- In this film it isn't as if we need to watch the woman for long to feel for her as the subjective camera work and sound does this.
- It uses the typical narrative format with a set up, confrontation which is where she comes across her problem in not being able to see the flying geese and resolution where she finally is able to fulfil her dream. The twist is that she collapses in order to do this making the ending a happy one and sad one at the same time.
4. - Sound starts with the sound of bells making it seem quite eerie, they sound quite faded and distant, with a blurry shot on screen this makes us see and hear how our main character does. In the shots looking at our main character such as the first long shot, there is a lot of diegetic sound being used from the crowd of people around her making it all seem like a very busy and congested place, this tells us she may be in the middle of town. The POV shots of the lady have the same sound of talking people but this time it is quieter and not clear at all making us hear what she hears.
- The shots of our character feeding the geese do very well in showing the difference between what she can hear and what we hear.
- There is no non diegetic music being played at all putting all of our attention on what's on screen and the diegetic sound.
- In the POV shot of her collapsing there is a lot of diegetic sound used, it is a very tense shot as we know something is wrong and about to happen. To help build the tension the sound within this shot builds up and increases in volume to the next shot which includes a bang as she falls over.
- The only sound we can hear from the lady are quiet whimpers happening once or twice in the film. This either tells us when she is happy or sad depending on what is seen on screen.
5. - Film does very well in representing the woman as a very old lady who can barely take care of herself, it is always
quite tense as we know she is not fit enough to go out alone but never know when she is going to collapse.
- Close up's used to show facial expression also showing us what it is she wants. We can see in this shot that she is upset and in pain whilst trying to look up.
- The main issue within this film is old age the restrictions that are introduced to our lives as we get older such as being able to stand up tall.
1. 'Bent Double' is a short drama set in Yorkshire. The story follows a very old lady who can barely stand up straight due to her age. Due to the subjective camera work a

2. The film does very well in putting the audience in her position by using subjective camera work with POV shots but also with sound, all diegetic sound used is quite loud but when we are shown a POV shot,

3. - Advantages of short narrative gives us an easy and obvious storyline to follow, it isn't challenging but can still become quite powerful meaning.
- In this film it isn't as if we need to watch the woman for long to feel for her as the subjective camera work and sound does this.
- It uses the typical narrative format with a set up, confrontation which is where she comes across her problem in not being able to see the flying geese and resolution where she finally is able to fulfil her dream. The twist is that she collapses in order to do this making the ending a happy one and sad one at the same time.
4. - Sound starts with the sound of bells making it seem quite eerie, they sound quite faded and distant, with a blurry shot on screen this makes us see and hear how our main character does. In the shots looking at our main character such as the first long shot, there is a lot of diegetic sound being used from the crowd of people around her making it all seem like a very busy and congested place, this tells us she may be in the middle of town. The POV shots of the lady have the same sound of talking people but this time it is quieter and not clear at all making us hear what she hears.
- The shots of our character feeding the geese do very well in showing the difference between what she can hear and what we hear.
- There is no non diegetic music being played at all putting all of our attention on what's on screen and the diegetic sound.
- In the POV shot of her collapsing there is a lot of diegetic sound used, it is a very tense shot as we know something is wrong and about to happen. To help build the tension the sound within this shot builds up and increases in volume to the next shot which includes a bang as she falls over.
- The only sound we can hear from the lady are quiet whimpers happening once or twice in the film. This either tells us when she is happy or sad depending on what is seen on screen.
5. - Film does very well in representing the woman as a very old lady who can barely take care of herself, it is always

- Close up's used to show facial expression also showing us what it is she wants. We can see in this shot that she is upset and in pain whilst trying to look up.
- The main issue within this film is old age the restrictions that are introduced to our lives as we get older such as being able to stand up tall.
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