Implications With Our Final Production Of ‘Milo’
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
· Organisation is key when producing any type of film with a restricted time limit. Our organisation wasn’t great and in the end caused us to have to re shoot a couple of scenes. We found it difficult getting all members of the group together to film and edit due to other engagements.
· Milo unfortunately had a busy schedule throughout the filming stages, this gave us an even smaller space to film in within two weeks. We managed to successfully fit in all the filming in the end but it could have been done a lot easier if we had been more organised with timetables.
· I have conducted audience feedback and what has come up on numerous occasions by those who are 20+ years old is the fact that our monologue could be read wrongly in one of the scenes. “They don’t argue and love each other” is said when Milo describes his friends parents, the way this is read could interpret that the parents do not love each other either. If we could do this again we would have it as: “They don’t argue and they love each other”.
· Sound in some shots does not quite flow, the ambient sound in some shots cuts with the image and so it is recognised that the shot has been cut.· With our audience feedback, we found that some viewers believed the monologue waffles a little bit towards the end and could have perhaps been reduced.
· The scene in which ‘Milo’ morphs to his older self has finished up quite short, It would have been better if we could have had a few more shots of our older ‘Milo’ and a little more for him to say. He looks as if it has been rushed at the end for this reason.
After a lot of research on short film posters, we found that all of them connote the film as being low budget which is obvious due to the template of the poster, the image used, the ratings etc.

I believe our poster represents the film very well and gives the audience an idea of what it’s about. It is our cartoon like image that would really make it stand out from a group of posters being very innovative.
Referring back to a past post, I have pointed out all the typical conventions and styles used and included in each film review. -
· Our image takes up a little less than half the page, something we found to be done a lot in LWL reviews. Again we used the image of Milo at the breakfast table as this is one of our most important shots in the film.

· A lot of adjectives are used to describe the film such as ‘bitter’ and ‘bleak’.
· Alliteration is used – ‘sombre secret’.
· Many puns are used to describe the film, examples of this are ‘definitely one that strikes a hit’, ‘drenched with the stark realities of everyday life’, ‘pulls at your heartstrings’.

· There are many evaluative comments used. ‘You can come to a conclusion regarding the final scene for yourselves when watching the film but it may not be everybody’s cup of tea’.
· At the end of our review we have included a convention very typically seen in LWL’s which is a rating out of 5 for ‘Anticipation’, ‘Enjoyment’ and ‘In Retrospect’.
Aspects of the film we chose to talk about in the review included the most important scene in which the parents are arguing, hence why we used the image for the review. This represents the film well of being social realism and should attract any social realism fans.
The language we used represents the film of being a typical social realism in the way that it will be bleak and upsetting but resolves in some way at the end.
In my opinion the poster and review would have the same audience, Little White Lies targets a mixed sex (more male) ranging from 15-40, I believe our poster could attract this age also with its quote, award and uniqueness.
Our Film As Feature Film
From the beginning when planning our review, we had always wanted our short film to be the featured film of the magazine. We have treated it this way and have done a lot of extra work showing that we have really become familiar with the house style and format of LWL’s.
Examples of our work are: - Double Page Spread - Credits of the Magazine - Chapter 1 Page

Previous films with their own issues include: 'Kick Ass', 'The Road', 'Where The Wild Things Are' and 'This Is England'.
We knew that no shorts have ever been the feature film of LWL, but as they have featured a lot of social realism's we thought it would be the closest magazine to doing this.
3/ What have you learned from audience feedback?
I have explained what I have learnt from our audience feedback in the implications part of question 1.
If I were to do the film again, the changes I would make are:
· Cutting down the monologue, one of our key viewers believed it waffled on a little and got a tiny bit boring towards the end, for us to have a very powerful ending it may be better if we could cut down the ‘McDonald’s’ part of the monologue. Although I do believe this helps to signify how disappointed he is with the fact his Dad never took him and how that without him, problems like this won’t occur again.
· I would then include more monologue, of which our older Milo will say, some of our audience have come back saying it looks a little rushed towards the end with only a few shots of our older Milo. We did a good job in morphing the images between our young Milo and older Milo as well as morphing the sound of them both speaking too, what would have been better is if we could have started this process earlier on so that the change really stands out.
· Lighting was an implication and not enough of it was used in some scenes such as the scene in which he takes his shoes off. We wanted to use as much natural lighting as possible but in places like this, it is admitted that it looks a little too dark in some shots.

Overall I have learnt that our group has successfully produced a powerful social realist film, engaging with the audience and building empathy right from the start.
We conducted our audience feedback using many sites including:
4/ How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout the production stages of each of our tasks, we used:

• HVR-HD1000U shoulder-mount HDV Camera – This is a high definition, wide screen camera giving us a very professional quality. We were able to use manual focus easily as well as a smooth slow motion fitted in with the camera. In comparison to my foundation production, ‘Milo’ has a much better picture quality and has used many more creative shots and styles.
• Final Cut Pro – This is industry software used in the production of many professional feature films today. Last year I used I-Movie showing how much stronger Final Cut Pro has turned out to be. My reason for using Final Cut Pro was the way it is set out and the better transitions and titles it offers. Something we were able to do this year was edit the sound in Final Cut Pro rather than having to export our movie to Garage band. This became a lot easier for us and allowed us to go back and improve our sound at any point.
• We used many other contraptions such as a voice recorder to record our monologue of Milo, as well as our actor who plays the ‘dad’ as he shows off to his friends in the kitchen.

Throughout the planning and research stages we had lots of help from the internet using sites such as:
•Short Film Central -
•BBC Film Network -
•Virgin Media Shorts -
These helped us to research other short films and find the conventions for the genre we chose. We were also able to find information on censorship etc.
For the poster we were able to take on set photos with the college’s digital camera.
We then installed our chosen favourite photo and cartoonised it on Adobe Photoshop. Again Photoshop is a professional piece of software.
We used photoshop to design the template of our review also making it a very easy process. To research into the house style of Little White Lies' reviews we used their home site:
With today’s web and social networking sites we were easily able to distribute our film to many volunteering viewers using sites such as Facebook etc.
Andy The rest of it will be posted by the end of today!
Its taking a lot of time to get all the images on and i had no frees today. So i will get it done before 7 at the latest!
Ok no worries Alex a very good start. You could do with breaking it up a little more and make it less essay like. It is a very good start make sure you use your previous draft and note my comments from that piece. You write about the review but who did it and why did the group decide this? Lots of images hyperlinks and moving image. Well done
Chino how did you get this on the blog?! Am having real problems with mine, wont let me copy and paste it in? Kaz x
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